Returning yet again to Yosemite National Park, when I visited in June I had the pleasure to repeat the beautiful hike up and over Vernal Fall and Nevada Fall, pictured here. The well-traveled Mist Trail follows the Merced River upstream through the mists of Vernal Fall, then back behind Liberty Cap (the prominent peak in the center of the frame) and eventually circles back to the top of Nevada Fall, some 2000ft higher in elevation than when you started. Upon reaching the top of Nevada Fall one can turn back, or preferably continue onwards and connect with the tail end (or more often the beginning) of the 211 mile John Muir Trail (which I would love to hike if someone would kindly cover the cost!). The views from the John Muir Trail are probably my favorite from which to see Nevada Fall.
This week in Yosemite corresponded with the peak flow from the late spring melt, and the amount of water moving over the falls was extraordinary. You can see the view looking down the falls, previously posted, here. We were soaked from the lower portion of the hike, and even from some sporadic showers of water pouring down on this stretch of trail (not a good thing for camera equipment, but great for beating the heat). And though I wasn't sure how I felt about the cloudy skies at the time, they really added a beautiful quality to the light, particularly where it struck Liberty Cap and the back of Half Dome (easy to miss, but Half Dome is in the top left of the frame).
I have been very slow to get my large format photography online, but I have more to follow soon.
As I like to point out every chance I get, go to Yosemite! If you've never been, or just haven't been in some time, just go! It's such an extraordinary place, I cannot imagine regretting the decision to spend time there. Just go!
Questa foto è stata scattata il 9 giugno 2010 a Yosemite Village, California, Stati Uniti d'America usando Tachihara 4x5, ottica Schneider SA 90mm f/8 | f/22. Tempo di posa 1/15s e pellicola Ilford FP4. La macchina fotografica è stata fissata sul cavalletto.
La pellicola è stata sviluppata con il Kodak HC110(B), quindi diluito 1 a 31(1 parte di rivelatore e 31 di acqua).
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